Becoming a sponsor of the Tour of Somerville pb Unity Bank aligns you with not only an amazing community event, but it brings you closer to the audience and customers that you want. This is the best advertising opportunity in sports. This is not a single-day sponsorship – it’s 90 days of active brand activation, access to valuable photography assets, and options to reward your employees, customers, and VIPs with an experience at a sporting event they won’t forget. Sound interesting? Read on.
2023 Summary Report
2023 saw an increase in spectators and participants from 2022 alone. Digitally, the Tour increased key metrics in Reach, Impressions, and Followers by 5 to 37% across the Facebook and Instagram. The media impact for sponsors equated to over $333,000 in equivalent purchased media in traditional and digital markets. For 2024, we are increasing our analytics of digital and traditional approaches with data, increasing Paid Advertising in specific surrounding areas, and working with local event representatives to enhance local business engagements. For a copy of the complete 2023 Summary Report, please contact us.
What’s the difference between Sponsorship and Advertising?
Glad you asked. Sponsoring the Tour of Somerville pb Unity Bank means you are part of the event year-round. Advertising is a limited, but effective, targeted hit on race day. Sponsorship provides you with multiple layers of activation across a much longer calendar.
Advertising opportunities will be published in 2024. If you would like to discuss advertising opportunities sooner, please contact us.
Pre-Event Opportunities
Medal-level sponsors are included in printed race materials such as the poster. Certain sponsorship levels can also include the business or brand in social media posts – whether that is through a subtle consistent mention or a more overt #ad #sponsored post.
Race-Day Opportunities
The most obvious benefit is printed course materials. Sponsors and advertisers can have printed materials for the course. Sponsors can be included in the start/finish truss and have a closer placement to the start/finish line. Gold Sponsors can also request placement at a specific turn.